Thursday, October 31, 2019

Fall Backward! Lots of chemistry learning and reviewing in biology and genetics.

This fall, biotech/biology students have been learning about chemistry from the perspective of living things with a focus on biomolecules and biochemistry.  Recently, students have been learning about the transfer of energy and rearranging matter.  In biotech/genetics, students have been focusing on protein chemistry and learning about the structure and function of proteins.
Genetics students presented their folded protein.

Another pair sharing their folded protein.

Stepping it up!  Students forming a quarternary protein!

And the quarternary competition continues!

Learning about the properties of amino acid side chains to understand protein folding.

Biology students learning about pH chemistry.

Biology students learning how to use biomolecule indicators.

Biology students learning about biomolecules and how a cow can turn corn into milk.

Genetics students pondering cellular biology as they examine different cell types.

Biology student who created glucose successfully during the molecular modeling exercise.  How sweet!