Friday, March 31, 2017

Genetics students are learning microbiobial techniques in biotechnology.

Over the past several weeks, genetics students have been learning about microbial biology and applications of biotechnology.  Students have transformed bacteria and they have recombined DNA plasmids and tested those constructs in bacteria. 
Carefully determining volumes.

Flaming the spreader to sterilize it.

Keeping a close eye whilst keeping things sterile.

Finding joy in plating!

Senior moment! Striking a pose before loading gels.

CSI Ballard!

Biology students recently solved a murder case using DNA technology.  Students had been learning lab skills such as gel electrophoresis to run DNA samples on gels.  The Brooks Case was solved!
Loading samples in the gel.

It takes teamwork to solve a crime!

Happy forensic scientists!

Collecting data from the stained gels.

One of the stained gels with DNA

Friday, March 17, 2017

Imagining Tomorrow-Biology Biotechnology Students are Prepping for the WSU Competition

The biology students are preparing for the competition at WSU on May 19-21, 2017.  We hosted a pre-pre-judging practice session so that students could float their ideas to judges.  The next judging event will determine which eight teams move forward to the event at WSU. Here are some examples of the teams' ideas.
How to store energy for later use?

Can we convert kinetic energy into storable energy to charge our devices?

Sunflower seed husks into paper? Waste not, want not.

Graphene- the new black.

One drop at a time. How can we conserve water?