Thursday, May 19, 2016

Student BioExpo 2016

Ballard Biotech students presented their capstone projects at the BioExpo at Shoreline Community College on Monday, May 16, 2016.  And what a great day it was!  The students competed with 19 other schools in WA, in 13 different categories.  Here are the results from our Ballard students:
Drama Dance: 3rd Place: Anna Leipertz, Anna Volk, Bella Williams and Rees Williams for their ballet interpretive dance” Cri du Chat”
Art:  2nd Place: Hunter Kulik-“Ironing out Hemochromatosis”
SeaVuria: 1st Place : Samara Barwell, Dorian Stump, Jessi e MacKenzie, and Polina Skrypka  “Obstetric  Fistulas-The Untold Story”
Molecular Modeling: 1st Place: Emma B. Doherty “Missense Modeling”

Multimedia:  Honorable Mention: Bryce Heinen, Niles Requarth, Antonio Martorano “Concentrating on ADHD: and Honorable Mention: Aaron Mamaril, Cale Spence, Manny Xenos, and Sam Rogers “Schizophrenia-A Rock Opera”

People’s Choice!  Hunter Thompsen, Luis Winters, and Sam Blank “Down Syndrome Rap”

Molecular Modeling

SeaVuria-working with high school students in Kenya

MagTown Rappers

Multimedia-Looking sharp!

Cri-du-chat Winners

Artistic expressions of brain disorders

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Imagine Tomorrow Pre-Judging Event Held on April 7.

All biology/biotechnology students participated in the Imagine Tomorrow Pre-Judging event to determine which 8 teams will move forward to the final competition at WSU. The final competition is on May 20-22, 2016.  The student groups did an excellent job presenting their ideas about how to "Pursue Sustainability Non-stop."  For more information about the upcoming event. Check out the Imagine Tomorrow website at WSU.
Can a playground generate electricity?

Can a game (there's an app for that) teach kids about energy conservation?

Can coffee ground be recycled into biofuels?

They clean up nice!  Can a turbine installed in downspots generate electricity to light up a house?

How can we improve insulation to eliminate noise from airports?

Can we convert kinetic energy into electricity?
Can we make packaging material out of coffee grounds and newspaper?

Genetics Students Visit the UW Medical Center

Group photo of the genetics students who attended the UW Medical Center fieldtrip.

In April, genetics students visited several labs at the UW Medical Center.  The fieldtrip included a Metro bus ride from Ballard to the UW on a beautiful sunny spring day.  The students toured several labs, talked with researchers, and learned about ongoing studies in aging, oncology, microbiology, and DNA sequencing.
Caenorhabditis elegans worms with GFP protein expressed in muscle tissue.

Ballard Biotech student sorting worms in the lab at the UW

Waiting for the Metro bus home to BHS