Sunday, February 23, 2020

Biology Students Getting Prepped for the Central Sound Regional Science and Engineering Fair

Recently, biotechnology/biology academy students participated in a pre-judging event in order to prepare for the actual judging at the fair on March 14.  Several volunteer scientists and engineers helped pre-judge projects in order to give feed back to students a month ahead of the actual competition.  Thank you judges for helping our students fine tune and/or improve their projects for the upcoming competition at Bellevue College on Saturday, March 14, 2020.

Faster Farming!  Will they elevate farming?

Hybrid Airplanes. Reducing carbon emissions.

Switching it up for Switchgrass.

Vacuum packing food and reducing waste.

How can we improve transportation ? Levitation/magnetics. We got this.

How can microorganisms provide new energy?

How do students learn? Can music help?

Piezzo step it up!  We are generating energy!

Capturing energy from your hot head!

Posing for energy challenges! We're all here to solve problems of our 2020 Earth!