Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Fall Whidbey Island Fieldtrip was a Successful Journey!

On the first weekend of November, Biotech students from all three cohorts (biology, chemistry, and genetics) embarked on an overnight fieldtrip to the Whidbey Island Tree Farm where, for 17 years,  biotech students have been studying some long-term monitoring sites in the forest.  On Friday, students studied the various forest sites, and collected data on carbon sequestration in trees, and sampled some new pond water chemistry sites.  The weather was lovely and dry, with fog rolling in the a.m. and clearing by afternoon.

Getting to  know you!  Playing Captain  Callin'.

Captain Callin'

Captain Callin'

Collect tree data.

Using bleating sheet to collect insects.

Tree huggers!

Kayak race and plankton tow from the pond.

Apple harvest and apple cider making.

Work that press!

Apple delivery boy from apple orchard.


Saturday bug trap collection.

Carnivorous ground beetle.  Observed and released.

Examining other macroinvertebrates.

Cow and new calf.

Apples for feeding cows.

Cow feeding during apple cider making.

Saturday site presentations.

Demonstrating Tree Trigonometry from Carbon Sequestration Study Site.

Heading back to Seattle on the Ferry.