Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Conservation and Consumption Unit Includes Fieldtrip to the Bullitt Center

In biotech/biology, students were engaged in an integrated project where they collected their own personal garbage and weighed and sorted it every day for a 10-day period.  All the while, they learned about composting, recycling, and waste in Seattle.  At the end of the garbage collection period, all biotech/biology students went on a field trip to the Bullitt Center-the greenest commercial building in the world!  For students, the project continues into 2nd semester where they will analyze their consumption
Enthused about weighing consumed products.

Sorting after weighing.

Fast Food Nation

La Croix tops metal recycling!

Weighing garbage.

Packing it up for recycle, compost, and garbage.

Bullitt Center Hydrology-Amazing! They capture all of their water for building use.

The bathrooms were a big hit!

Solar panel roof!  They generate more electricity than they use.

Taking the stairs.

Taking the stairs-the best option, energy wise.

And why wouldn't you take the stairs? Look at the view!

A little duck, duck, goose whilst waiting for the tour.